Sales Prospecting is NOT a Silver Bullet

I live, sleep, eat and breathe prospecting. I LOVE Cold Calling and know how well it works. So when companies tell me ‘Sales prospecting doesn’t work’, I always disagree and say, ‘Yes, it DOES!’.  

When they tell me sales prospecting doesn’t work, I know the real problem is probably not the tactic, but something else.  

Poor Plan 

First, I check that they have a plan. I can’t tell you how many companies that just ‘wing’ this. Doing it when they have time, having random people do it for them, ignoring it when they aren’t successful and generally just kind of hoping something will work.  

If this is the case, the first thing needed is to get a plan in place.  

We help companies set up and train their own inhouse prospecting teams. Or our highly trained Cold Calling experts can do your appointment setting for you. Either way, it starts with a plan designed to meet YOUR goals.  

Our plans include scripting as well as role playing to ensure proper implementation. 

Poor Execution 

You can have a well-designed, highly customized plan, with excellent scripts but if your people are not following it or have no clue how to properly approach and engage with prospects, it probably WON’T work.  

We train our clients’ teams so they understand what they are doing, why they are doing it, how often they need to make calls and what to say on those calls. We prepare them, monitor them, review their progress and assist as needed.  

Properly trained people have better attitudes and higher success rates.  

Lack of Patience 

If someone is complaining that a properly implemented plan, by a well-trained team is not working, my next question is, ‘how long have they been working the plan?’ Unsurprisingly, when the answer is ‘a week’ or even, ‘a month’ the reason is that they haven’t given it enough time. 

See this post for more on how Good Sales Reps Need Time to Produce.

Plant Those Seeds 

Our time-proven process works by reaching out to people, continuously, over time to build relationships with qualified prospects. It is then up to you to nurture those relationships and convert them to closed sales. We can help with that as well, but it does take some time.  

Industries differ 

Some Industries have a shorter timeframe from initial call til close, than others. This is to be expected and planned for. An unrealistic expectation can lead to frustration and a pre-mature end to what would otherwise have been a productive plan.  

Not sure how to set realistic expectations for YOUR team? We have extensive experience in many industries – give us a call to see how we can help YOU more effectively reach YOUR most qualified prospects and close more sales! 

Sales Prospecting WORKS! 

Sales prospecting isn’t a silver bullet – it isn’t a single shot, quick fix. But it does work successfully, across industries, to keep your sales funnel full of qualified leads. If you aren’t prospecting, you are leaving money on the table. Call us today at 908.879.2911 to see how we can help YOU prospect effectively to keep YOUR sales funnel full!

End of Year Survey 2021

Please participate in our SHORT (two questions!) Prospecting Survey to let us know what modes of communication YOU find most successful when Sales Prospecting.  

Please pass along the link to your community to help us get the most feedback possible.  

Thank you and Happy Holidays!  

Click HERE to take the brief survey.

Are You Missing a Piece to your Sales Puzzle?

Over the years, I have noticed that these three fundamentals are KEY to sales success. When you aren’t hitting your sales quota, or can’t seem to connect with enough qualified leads, check to see if you are missing one of these pieces.  

I often see people master one or two and yet they are still struggling. But get all three in alignment, and your sales prospecting will go MUCH more smoothly and effectively. It’s like finding the missing piece to your sales puzzle! 

I remember the three fundamentals by the acronym ‘MAM’ – here they are: 


Putting yourself in the right frame of mind is key. Sales prospecting and cold calling are hard jobs – you need to stay optimistic and maintain a positive attitude to succeed.  

Approach your calls with this mindset and you will see better results. 

Need help with this? Here is a quick post that explains this further. Check out this page for quick tips. And of course, follow me here for updates and advice to keep you empowered and in a positive state of mind!  


You need to actually take action to succeed. You need to actively DO the activities that are in your control, to achieve your goals.

For more on this, check out this post. And this one for some activity tracking tips and advice.



Have a system, with a playbook, that works – then methodically work the plan.  

Our proprietary ‘Conversational Selling’ system is a proven method for making calls that identify qualified leads. We can do this for you or train your team to do it effectively. Either way, the method is your roadmap to success.  

We have all the tools YOU need to succeed – give us a call at 908.879.2911 and let us show YOU how.  

So how many of these have YOU mastered? Can you now see the missing piece to YOUR sales puzzle? Give us a call if you need help filling in a gap and remember, anything is possible!

Here’s to a strong 2022! 

How to Create an Effective Cold Calling Script

At One of a Kind Sales, we LOVE Cold Calling. And I am a huge fan of Cold Calling Scripts. Here are some tips on how to create an effective Cold Calling script for yourself.

First, any salesperson who says they don’t need a script should reconsider because I am confident that they are leaving money on the table. I stand by that 100%.

The truth is that many people who “wing it” on the phone, sound like they’re winging it. And they are less effective because they don’t have a structured process to follow.

An effective script grounds you, providing you with the words you need to work your way through a conversation and allows you to think ahead while speaking with the prospect.

Here’s an outline of an effective Cold Calling script:

  • An Introduction:this should be unique and non-salesy.
  • Ask Permission:ask them to give you 30 seconds to explain the purpose of the call. 
  • Introduce your Company:provide a brief description of what your company does. Focus on value you deliver. According to a study by HubSpot, 96% of buyers say a focus on the value your company can deliver, impacts their purchasing decision.
  • Offer three examples of problems you solve:these ‘case studies’ allow people to relate and see how you can help them.
  • Ask a Question:something like: “Is any of what I stated compelling and worth a conversation?”
  • Then… shut up!

Memorizing this will allow you sound more natural and less ‘salesy’. And it will free you up to address and overcome any objections.

The truth is that you really won’t know what the objections will be until you have this conversation, but you should prepare for those by having scripts for the ones you usually hear. (Check out this post for more on overcoming objections on Cold Calls)

Shut up and Listen!

An effective Cold Calling script will include questions which elicit important information. When they start talking about their pain points, your role is to listen, empathize and allow them to express their issues in detail.

The key is to actively listen and probe to keep them talking about their problems.

Set an Appointment or Move On?

The information you gather will help you determine whether or not you can fix their problem. If you can, great! Go ahead and set an appointment.

If not, no problem. Thank them for their time and ask them if they know of anyone else who might need your services. Ask them to keep you in mind if their situation changes or if they learn of anyone who might be a good fit. 

Then pick up the phone and dial your next number!

Consistency Is Key

Developing scripts for everyone on the team ensures consistent messaging and branding.

The Conversational Selling Script™ , like the one outlined here, is for when you speak with a decision-maker. You will also need to develop voicemail scripts and email templates that match the voicemail scripts. 

How to Create an Effective Cold Calling Script

Here is the process I recommend for developing scripts.

  • Develop five case studies on past clients. Think about what their issue was– that’s the title of the case study. Talk about what their problem was, and how you helped them resolve it.
  • Each case study should cover a different problem that your prospects may also have. Those case studies become the ‘meat’ of your script.
  • Extract the “pain” from those case studies and put it into your script.
  • Adapt the right case study to the prospect you are calling.

You don’t have to know everything about that client. You don’t have to be an expert. You’ve got your script. You’ve got your pain points. Go!


Don’t go into sell mode on a call when your goal is just to have a CONVERSATION and, if they are a good fit, to set an appointment.

That’s it, never sell. You are there to uncover information. And this information then becomes the ‘meat’ of your appointment conversation.

Rinse and Repeat

Once you have an effective Cold Calling script, it should be reviewed and updated periodically but it should serve you well for hundreds of calls.

And yes, there is an art to creating an effective Cold Calling script. It isn’t easy and can take years of practice. If you don’t want to wait years to reap the benefits of an effective Cold Calling script and need one NOW, call us – we can set you and your team up with the scripts YOU need to set appointments that close more deals. Call us today at 908-879-2911 to learn more and to get started setting more, and more qualified, appointments.


This is an excerpt from a chapter of my book, “The Inside Sales Solution“. Click here to buy a copy from Amazon or here to download a FREE digital copy.

The Importance of Ongoing Sales Training

I recently read something that suggested “…the ideal sales training program should accompany a new rep through his or her first months on the job, lasting at least 90 days and as long as a year or more.”(1)

Yes, this is a good start but in our extensive experience, we have found that ONGOING sales training is the most effective way to:

  • Give your team the competitive edge 
  • Consistently achieve sales quotas 
  • Retain valuable employees 
  • Drive more sales!

According to the American Marketing Association, “organizations spend an average of $2,236 per salesperson on sales training every year. By one account, U.S. companies alone spend $15 billion each year training sales employees.”

But not all sales training is created equal. Nor is it all effective!

Effective Sales Training 

At One of a Kind Sales, we train salespeople in our proprietary ‘Conversational Selling’ technique. Our comprehensive, ongoing training program:

  • Introduces, explains and models effective selling tactics and techniques 
  • Provides a peer group experience which helps and supports individuals as needed while raising the skill and success level of the entire team 
  • Establishes metrics and creates a system which allows you to monitor progress, identify set-backs and track results 

Build Confidence

We are not all natural-born salespeople. Learning new skills and techniques benefits everyone.

When I first got into sales, I was horrified of failing. I had some training but really hungered for more. I invested in myself, taking classes and attending programs. I guess you can say that I’ve become a lifelong student of the sales process.

This has built my confidence and driven successful outcomes.

Create a Culture of ‘Stickiness’

Employers who invest in their people see lower rates of employee turnover – a huge concern in this era of the ‘great resignation’.

Employees not only stay, but they produce more. And when they do hit obstacles and challenges, we provide the support and guidance needed to navigate them and move forward, rather than burn out and leave.

Ongoing sales training for your existing employees is much more cost effective than having to constantly on-board new people, only to have them repeat the ‘burn out and leave’ cycle. 

Systems WORK

Our One of a Kind Sales System is a time proven process that WORKS. We teach you the steps to follow, the words to say, when and how to say them and how to follow-up. Then we work with you to perfect your implementation and delivery. 


The results include:

  • Establishing and reinforcing a positive brand image for your company 
  • Setting you and your team up as industry leaders  
  • More closed sales and less money left on the table

I Practice what I Preach

As I said, I am a lifelong learner. I am in skills training once a week and my team is trained weekly. I am also committed to Cold Calling, making it a recurring task on my weekly schedule despite my seniority and the fact that I have a team that does this. Doing this regularly keeps me sharp, aware of the current issues and allows me to truly empathize with the challenges my teams face.

A Bonus Win

Sales, at its most essential level, is about COMMUNICATION. Sales training is about teaching people how to communicate more effectively. 

As an added bonus, these skills carry over into all aspects of your life. Your significant other, family and friends will thank you! 

Drive Success:

A study from 2019 determined that “…69 percent of sales organizations cited salesperson training as the top service offering provided by companies to enable their sales organization’s success.” (2)

Invest in yourself and your team. Give us a call today at 908-879-2911 to learn more about our Ongoing Sales Training programs and how they can help YOU!
