In our experience, retaining Lead Generation Services on a Month to Month basis leads to disappointing results and increased salesforce turnover.
We have noticed that some of our competitors are offering this type of lead generation services option. We think that this option is a shortsighted strategy which is a waste of your time and money and as such, we do NOT offer this option.
Month to Month Lead Generation Services are a shortsighted strategy
Strong Sales Reps need a good 6 – 9 months to get their ‘mojo’ going. See our previous post on nurturing a successful sales team for more on this. If a sales person is on a month to month retainer, they may not have the time needed to show real results.
It takes time to learn the ropes and to develop connections that will result in real sales. Unrealistic expectations of immediate sales production creates pressure, causes quality to slip and can lead to premature turnover.
Month to Month Lead Generation Services are a waste of your time and money
It may LOOK like you are saving money in the short term but in reality, you are probably going to churn through salespeople and prospects more quickly and way less effectively, if you retain people solely on a month to month basis, costing you more and delivering you poor results.
Long term lead generation services will result in lower turnover, higher quality leads and stronger sales
Commit to the time necessary for salespeople to get up to speed and to develop the relationships they need to deliver the results YOU want!
When you are ready to invest in long term lead generation services with QUALITY salespeople who will deliver quality leads, give us a call! Our salespeople are trained to deliver solid results, consistently and over the long run. Click here to learn more and start getting the results YOU want, TODAY!