About Fred Copestake: Fred is a consultant, trainer, coach, and expert in helping sales professionals from all over the world improve their performance and unleash their full potential.
He is the Founder of Brindis, a leading sales training consultancy, and author of Selling Through Partnering Skills: A Modern Approach to Winning Business and Hybrid Selling.
Over the last 22 years, he has traveled around the world 14 times and visited 36 countries to work with over 10,000 salespeople. His focus is on how salespeople can develop a more modern and collaborative approach to working with customers.
He has learned the 3 universal challenges of salespeople that he calls Busy Busy Busy, Oldie Worldly, and Muddled Mindset, and how to counter them using modern frameworks and mindsets.
In this episode, Nancy and Fred discuss:
- Selling Through Partnering Skills: Salespeople’s 3 main challenges and partnering intelligence (PQ) theory
- Hybrid Selling: Adapt to changes in selling. Sales professionals need to know how to use multifaceted, collaborative, and customer-centric selling strategies to stay relevant into the future.
Key Takeaways:
- Busy Busy Busy is focusing on the wrong activities resulting in wasted opportunities and effort. Become more effective through planning and process.
- Oldie Worldly refers to old methods which simply do not work anymore. Today it’s about being customer-focused. Self-centered strategies are fit for a bygone era of selling.
- Muddled Mindset is misalignment. Develop clarity within the organization, encourage coaching by management, and allow individuals confirmation that the way they work is making consistent with top performance.
- A top trend to adopt right now is video. Shifts in sales today also include a focus on helping more and co-creation. Consultative still works but the future is about collaboration.
“We need to be comfortable with change. I mean, salespeople, we sell change that way. If we’re not comfortable with it, if we don’t understand it, it’s hard for us to really help people change themselves.” – Fred Copestake
Connect with Fred Copestake:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredcopestake/
App: https://collaborativeselling.scoreapp.com/
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Connect with Nancy Calabrese:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oneofakindsales
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/One-Of-A-Kind-Sales-304978633264832/
Website: https://oneofakindsales.com
Phone: 908-879-2911
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ncalabrese/
Email: leads@oneofakindsales.com